An Interview with Ornette Coleman
One musician I’ve been thinking about, and listening to, a lot is Ornette Coleman, who died last week. That generation that formed bebop...

Anthony Braxton in Bristol
Andy Hamilton witnesses a rare and utterly personal UK appearance by the US saxophonist and composer, cardigan and all. Anthony Braxton's...

Koktebel Jazz Party, Crimea
Andy Hamilton enjoys the playing of Tom Harrell, Valery Ponomarev and others at a kind of Blackpool on the Black Sea. At a press...

Piano events at Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
This year's Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (HCMF) featured a plethora of piano recitals, including a two-piano day. Andy...

Michael Bublé: The Biography - Review
Published in Jazz Journal, Feb. 2011 Michael Bublé: The Biography By Juliet Peel Piatkus, 2010, £7.99 Juliet Peel, "experienced...
Sal Mosca - Interview
Pianist Sal Mosca was one of the most musically gifted of the Tristano School players who enjoyed a critically important position in...

Chopin Forum 2010
As part of the composer's 200th birthday celebrations, the second Chopin Forum – the first was in 1999 – was convened by Chopin scholar...

David Liebman
Andy Hamilton caught up with David Liebman between his masterclass and concert in Manchester with guitarist Phil Robson's group,...

PAUL BLEY: Time Must Have a Stop
Jazz pianist Paul Bley is usually known for his spacious, restrained lyricism, honed with his formative years in the Jimmy Giuffre group...

Interview with Sonny Simmons
"I was labelled a free player when I first came to New York. Ornette Coleman and free jazz, that was no problem for me – I would jump on...